Apps that I love | Part One

Here are a few apps that I love to use on my iPad Mini – this part is mainly for productive apps, as I don’t play too many games, but I will add a second part with the ones that I enjoy using.

I don’t usually blog from my ipad, but it’s really handy for whenever I’m travelling or in bed and don’t want to have my MacBook on. I use to have a Blogspot account and I really disliked the app! But now that I have a wordpress account, I find it so much easier to use, is more appealing visually and the app is a lot nicer to use with a lot more features!


I also really enjoy catching up on blogs by using the Bloglovin app. I love the concept of Bloglovin and I enjoy using the original app, but this gives it another feel altogether! It’s so easy to use, but the only down side is that you can’t comment in blog posts directly, you have to go into the actual blog and sign into your account first. (I don’t save my passwords on my ipad).


Another amazing find was Padgram, I’m not too sure how I found this, probably from watching ‘What’s on my iPad?’ YouTube videos when I had my iPad mini! I think that this app is amazing for Instagram! It is basically an unofficial iPad Instagram app – it shows your Instagram feed in a 3×3 grid, that you can scroll through. It’s much faster to browse everyone’s images and to like them.


Personally, I like the Pinterest website but I find it a little irritating speed-wise to repin stuff. Amazingly, with this app it has made it so fast to do, and really easy to organise boards!


Day One
This app is my saviour! I have a really bad memory when it comes to remembering what I did on days, a week ago, on the weekend, or years ago. So luckily I found this app which is like a diary, but it’s really nicely set out. You can add images to your posts and either display a photo timeline or standard. You can also add tags, weather updates and links to your everyday posts. (And it can remind you each day to jot down what you did that day).


Nike+ Running
This is one of my most used and most addictive apps on my iPhone and iPad. I like to go running to make me feel better about myself and feel like I’m doing my bit for my health. So, when I saw this app, I knew that it would keep me engaged and motivated to carry on. This app either works with a sensor that you can buy (£20), or automatically with an iPhone 5. It tracks how many steps you’ve taken, your speed, distance and route – depending on whether you’re walking or running. If you’re outdoors, then it works with GPS and will show you where you have run and if you worked your body a lot on certain parts of your route. This app then let’s you publish your results from your run, so you can compete with friends or earn achievements. They also have a setting so you can set a goal or distance for your run, which they’ll tell you how far you have left through your earphones whilst running. This works in conjunction with the iPod on your iPhone, so you can still play music. It also has cool little notifications that tell you how well you’ve done, like Ellie Goulding congratulating you. There’s also a Facebook feature that you can share a status that you’ve started your run, then when your friends ‘like’ it, you get a cheer that plays through your earphones whilst running. Motivation boost!


Ted Talks
I only discovered this app during the week and I love it! If you’re like me, and like to learn new things all of the time, then this is great! They supply talks from seminars that they hold, which cover a lot of categories. That’s pretty much all I can say about this, straight forward!


Next up is my more ‘fun’ apps, such as games and my reading apps!
*These images are not my own*

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