carrie fisher

Top 10 Things About Star Wars

As we are currently witnessing the release of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, what better idea than to write a few Star Wars related posts? Rootnotion have been seeking out some Star Wars fans to participate in their ‘Force Awakens Week’ where fans contribute blog posts on their love for the Star Wars Universe!


So, for my first Star Wars related post I have decided to go ahead with a simple…

‘Top 10 Things About Star Wars’ in no particular order:


  • The incredible and highly beautiful soundtrack, duh. The films would still be great anyway, but the soundtrack completely paints the film in another light! Even the sound effects, the ‘pews’ of the X-Wings, the elephant-trumpet inspired sounds for Tie Fighters and even the voices of characters really bring the film to life in my eyes! It has also been said that when George Lucas gave some of his close friends and other directors a preview of Episode VI: A New Hope before he had a soundtrack or sound effects, they were doubtful of it’s success and Speilberg was the only one to say that A New Hope had potential!



  • The diversity of characters.The characters really knock the Star Wars Universe out of the park for me, or even ‘out of this world’ if I really want to go in with the puns..
    I have an older brother and always grew up collecting Star Wars figures and merchandise from a very young age. I was always fascinated by the many different species from the Star Wars Universe and how they were portrayed on screen.
    There’s no doubt that we all try to mimic Ewoks, Greedo and Jabba at some point in our lives..
    Lucas had clearly put a lot of hard work into the background of each and every one of his characters, from the Jawas that have to scavenge and make a living from nothing, to even Rancors and Mynocks!



  • The twists and turns within the plot lines.
    There’s no denying that I still go ‘OOOH’ and ‘OHHH’ at some scenes (mainly from the original trilogy) no matter how many hundreds of times that I have seen them! The storylines and twists are just TOO GOOD!


  • The fan base and events.
    A huge world had opened up to fans around the globe and it has seemed to bring one massive community together to appreciate their love of Star Wars. From events like ComicCon, Star Wars Weekends, Star Wars Celebration to even fans taking up the art and combat that lightsabers hold like Ludosport and even seeking Jediism as a religion.



  • That the Star Wars Universe is expanding on screen, yet again!
    Do I love Star Wars? Yes. Did I love the first trilogy? Definitely. The second trilogy? Not as much, but I have plenty of time for the foreseeable future!
    I did honestly get a little bit nervous when I heard that Disney were going to have a huge, huge part in this but yet again, Disney always like to go above and beyond – and they market and merchandise their products so so well! Even if it is a flop (which I highly doubt), it still means that we get our fix of new Star Wars material. I simply cannot wait now!


  • The return of the original cast.
    As I was going to start mentioning in my last point, but restrained myself for this one – original cast. Oh, I was over the moon when I heard that the original cast were returning for the upcoming films. I could not believe it. I personally did not expect Hamill, Fisher and Ford to all come together for this – I only expected 2 out of 3, as it never really seems to work that way for most things, but my oh my, the feeling was incredible and still is, especially when I see Han Solo and Chewie at the very end of the trailer!
    I feel very lucky to have actually seen Mark Hamill in person at Disney’s Star Wars Weekends last year too as it was pretty soon after the announcement. I have a great feeling about the cast returning and I am pretty sure that it is not going to disappoint in the slightest!



  • The Star Wars Universe expansions.
    From the books, to comics and even to other ranges like Disney Infinity..
    There is no doubting the Star Wars Universe, it is always going to be brilliant no matter what – even if it isn’t as strong as others.
    Although the Universe is full of several hundreds of story-lines and plots, I do like that The Force Awakens has been based around some events and characters, but it still remains quite a mystery to the audience on what it is actually going to involve and is going to remain a surprise (no spoiling my predictions!).
    I am also loving how Disney have incorporated Star Wars into Disney Infinity by releasing three different play sets (only Rise Against The Empire and Twilight Of The Republic so far until The Force Awakens is released).


  • Merchandise.
    The incredible amounts of incredible merchandise that do incredible things to my mind and eye sockets. Stormtrooper cookie jar? Yup, thanks. FX Lightsaber? Of course. A 7-Foot Darth Maul statue? You’ve got it! A real life, Endor? I wish! The variety of merchandise is non stop. From toasters that will toast Darth Vader’s face onto your bread, to the Sticky Tongued Jar-Jar Binks heads that you use to get from collecting crisp packets and lunch boxes to think and know that you were clearly the coolest child in your entire school – why would you not want more and more Star Wars Merchandise? It’s not going to stop. It never stopped after the first trilogy, I believe that they did not make any Millennium Falcon sets until The Empire Strikes Back came out and now we’re onto a new era of merchandise yet again! Make way for BB-8! What else do I want, other than my very own Sphero BB-8 Remote Droid?!


  • Conspiracies.
    Greed shot first. Han shot first. Han has used the force.
    I love the fact that people are still analysing all of the Star Wars movies bit by bit, whether it’s finding a mistake within the footage or finding a flaw of the physics or even conspiracies to whether the footage works along side the storyline.



  • The Imagination of every aspect possible.
    The concept art and ideas for each individual planet, vehicle, character and the in-depth detail that has been put into every aspect is just mind-blowing. I have a passion for animation/illustration and using my imagination to the fullest, so being able to see the creation of the Star Wars Universe through concept art, behind the scenes footage and documentaries still blows me away. I believe that I will never know half of the back stories that have gone into Star Wars and I think that this amount of detail has brought the franchise to even more success than before.

So there you go! my personal Top 10 Things About Star Wars for you all!

It was pretty difficult to pin down these points and there are so many more, but I would love to hear what you all think and what your Top 10 Things About Star Wars are.

May The Force Be With You.